

Strategies to Ensure the Long-term Success of Your Patient Services Programs

Life sciences manufacturers face growing challenges with building patient support programs that are also financially sustainable. Discover key research findings and industry insights that offer a strategic approach to ensuring patient service programs drive long-term brand value. In this infographic, you’ll learn: The state of drug utilization management and how manufacturers are responding Key trends in optimizing patient support with a gross-to-net lens Strategies for building a sustainable patient services program Harness your patient access potential   Ready to accelerate your access program

Optimizing Patient Access for Sustainable Growth

Life science companies are often challenged to meet forecasts and maximize the growth of their therapies at any cost – with gross-to-net (GTN) often taking the biggest hit. In today’s market conditions, manufacturers can no longer afford to overlook GTN when building and scaling a patient access strategy. Read this white paper to discover the ultimate playbook for aligning the internal teams that have a stake in your brand’s success - including marketing, sales, market access, and patient services - to balance maximum patient access with a sustainable GTN

Improving Prescription Coverage at the Pharmacy

Pharmacies play a pivotal role in brand success. Through strategically integrating your dispense network into your access strategy, you can successfully improve coverage and accelerate patient adoption. This white paper uncovers the pharmacy dynamics that underpin pharmaceutical brand growth, and outlines actionable strategies to help you build a strong pharmacy partnership that optimizes coverage at the counter

Streamlining Specialty-Lite Access with PhilRx

Patient access challenges are no longer inevitable for specialty-lite brands. By combining a seamless user experience with digital hub services and an industry leading dispense network with 98% plan coverage, we can maximize patient access and optimize GTN for your brand. This guide uncovers how the PhilRx platform is designed to help you break through barriers and drive transformative brand outcomes

Improving Adoption of Your Patient Support Services

Life sciences teams are investing significant time, energy, and effort into their patient services programs, and most are not yielding desired results. It’s time to turn your patient services into a strategic force for brand growth. This white paper outlines how to overcome barriers to patient program utilization and key strategies to maximize patient adoption