

Upcoming Event: Succeeding with Alternative Channels: Drive Value for Your Pharma Clients with PhilRx

Pharmaceutical consultants and agency leaders, register for this virtual event to learn how Phil can help support your clients' goals to maximize patient access and adherence, covered dispenses, and gross-to-net.

On-Demand Webinar: Innovative Strategies to Streamline the Access Journey for Patients & Providers

Putting patients and providers at the heart of every brand initiative is top of mind for all pharma teams. But, many manufacturers have large gaps and friction points in their access journey that are creating high barriers to access, engagement, and adherence. On this webinar, dive into trusted strategies and best practices for designing a medication access experience that drives patient outcomes and provider engagement based on insights from Phil’s diverse portfolio of life sciences brands

On-Demand Webinar: Delivering on Direct-to-Consumer: Exceeding Patient Expectations for Virtual Care

Over 75% of patients have accessed care virtually as of 2024 – the primary reasons being for improved convenience and choice. As patient expectations for digital care continue to rise, the direct-to-consumer (DTC) movement should be top of mind for pharma manufacturers. Watch this webinar with seasoned leaders from Sun Pharmaceuticals and Phil to unpack the evolving landscape of digital care from the perspective of patients and providers, and its potential to improve prescription access, adherence and affordability

On-Demand Webinar: Improving Access, Coverage, and GTN with Digital Hubs

Your patient support services should drive quick, easy, and affordable access to your retail and specialty-lite therapies. If your approach isn’t delivering the outcomes that you (and your patients and providers) expect, consider an alternative channel strategy. With a strategic digital hub, you can offer an end-to-end patient and provider experience that drives access, coverage, and GTN for your retail and specialty-lite brands

On-Demand Webinar: Designing a Digital Patient Access Journey

With 90% of patients wanting to access healthcare through technology, a digital-first access program is now a must (Accenture). Discover the building blocks of a digital access journey that supports your patients from activation through adherence. Learn trusted strategies and best practices from our expert panel from Duchesnay Pharmaceutical Group, US Pharma Consulting, and Phil Inc