
Optimizing Patient Access for Sustainable Growth

A playbook for life sciences manufacturers looking to build a best-in-class patient access program that drives sustainable brand growth

White paper (small)

Life science companies are often challenged to meet forecasts and maximize the growth of their therapies at any cost – with gross-to-net (GTN) often taking the biggest hit. In today’s market conditions, manufacturers can no longer afford to overlook GTN when building and scaling a patient access strategy. Read this white paper to discover the ultimate playbook for aligning the internal teams that have a stake in your brand’s success - including marketing, sales, market access, and patient services - to balance maximum patient access with a sustainable GTN. 

In this white paper, you’ll learn:

  • Core elements, trends, and challenges of GTN growth for life sciences brands 

  • Why GTN matters for your internal teams and aligning on shared vision of success

  • Key strategies to optimize patient access through a GTN lens

  • Success metrics to determine the efficacy of your access program on GTN

Build a best-in-class access program 

Your GTN potential is only as strong as your access partner. We’ve helped dozens of brands optimize their commercialization plans, and we’d love to help your brand do the same. To learn more about how the PhilRx patient access platform can support your brand, book a meeting with our team.

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