Phil Blog

Phil Blog

5 Ways PhilRx Meets Patients’ Expectations for Digital Healthcare

From travel and entertainment to shopping and banking, digital experiences surround consumers daily. So, it should come as no surprise that they have high expectations for seamless and connected digital experiences in healthcare. And these expectations are driving demand

Meet Neil Dean, Director of Product Management at Phil

Neil Dean joined our team as Director of Product Management because he wanted the opportunity to directly impact lives. In this employee spotlight, Neil shares what he likes most about his role, how he approaches challenges, and a project he’s passionate about.   Please tell us a little bit about your role at Phil

Translating Data into Actionable Insights to Inform your Patient Access Strategy

By Andrew Duncan, SVP of Business Operations, Pricing & Strategic Finance Pharmaceutical companies are embracing big data initiatives to drive their business objectives. For brand teams, data is valuable only when they have the right data to make informed decisions that improve access to their retail and specialty-lite therapies. Life science companies that invest in capabilities to capture, strategically analyze, and draw actionable insights from the most relevant data will realize better brand outcomes

Meet Johnny Yu, VP of Patient Experience at Phil

Next up in our Employee Spotlight series is Johnny Yu, VP of Patient Experience. Learn how Johnny’s enthusiasm, team-building skills, and drive to achieve the best patient experience make him a valuable asset at Phil. Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your role at Phil

How Drug Manufacturers Can Evolve their Provider Engagement Model to Drive Brand Performance

Evolving healthcare provider (HCP) needs and expectations have disrupted conventional customer engagement methods. The traditional reach and frequency model that had long been successful for pharma companies no longer delivers on brand goals. Several factors are driving this change