8 Strategies to Decrease Prescription Abandonment and Improve Medication Adherence

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An estimated 1 in 5 prescriptions are left at the pharmacy counter. This vexing healthcare challenge, known as prescription abandonment, is part of the broader concern of medication non-adherence, which also includes not taking medications as prescribed or failing to refill prescriptions. The issue is so prevalent that the American Medical Association (AMA) advises healthcare providers to "consider medication non-adherence first as a reason a patient's condition is not under control." 

Consequences of Prescription Abandonment

Failure to stick with prescribed therapy is a substantial obstacle to a providers’ ability to deliver good patient outcomes and realize the value of pharmaceutical innovation. Prescription abandonment can have severe consequences for patients, particularly those with chronic conditions. When patients do not take their medications as prescribed, they risk worsening their health conditions, which can lead to increased hospitalizations and even death. Studies show that poor medication adherence is responsible for approximately 125,000 preventable deaths and as much as $300 billion in avoidable healthcare costs each year. Conversely, good medication adherence is linked to a 21% reduction in long-term mortality.

For pharmaceutical companies, medication non-adherence and prescription abandonment often translate to lost revenue and diminished brand reputation. High abandonment rates can signal to healthcare providers that a medication is not accessible or affordable, potentially leading to decreased prescribing. 

8 Strategies to Improve Medication Adherence

Each touchpoint along the prescription journey can influence the likelihood of a patient accessing their medication and taking it as prescribed. With that in mind, there are several strategies that pharmaceutical brands can leverage to mitigate the risks of prescription abandonment and medication non-adherence.

  1. Enhance patient education. Educating patients about the importance of their medication, how it works, and the consequences of non-adherence can significantly improve adherence rates. For optimal accessibility, create a modern patient experience that utilizes various channels catered to diverse populations.

  2. Implement copay assistance programs. Higher out-of-pocket costs are associated with increased rates of cost-related medication non-adherence and prescription abandonment. Manufacturer-sponsored copay assistance programs can reduce or eliminate out-of-pocket costs, making medications more affordable and accessible – and less likely to be left behind at the pharmacy counter. 

  3. Leverage digital tools. Digital tools, such as text reminders and auto refills, can help patients start and stay on therapy with less effort. Find a digital solution that offers a comprehensive approach to improving medication management that includes educational content and adherence tracking. This playbook covers our recommended hub approach.

  4. Increase transparency. Enabling greater visibility across the prescription journey can improve treatment adherence, patient satisfaction, and health outcomes. For example, learning about the cost of medications at the point of care can help patients make informed decisions and avoid sticker shock at the pharmacy, mitigating the risk of prescription abandonment.

  5. Offer mail-order delivery and automatic refills. Providing options to have a prescription delivered and automatically refilled makes it more convenient and easier for patients to adhere to their medication regimen, particularly for those with mobility issues or who live in pharmacy deserts.  

  6. Simplify the prior authorization process. In a 2023 AMA survey, 78% of HCPs reported that PAs at least sometimes lead to treatment abandonment, and 83% reported that the number of PAs required for prescription medications have increased over the last five years. Taking steps to simplify the PA process can significantly improve the likelihood that patients will follow through with their prescribed medication.

  7. Partner with a robust dispensing network. Working with a commercialization partner that integrates a solid national network of pharmacies, particularly a non-dispensing model, into its solution will help lay the foundation for covered dispenses, ensuring patients have consistent and affordable access to their prescribed medication.

  8. Introduce a digital channel strategy. This approach allows manufacturers to leverage advanced analytics so brand teams can have a complete picture of the patient access journey—from prescribing to dispensing—and even down to the territory level. With this information in hand, they can monitor prescription abandonment and make program adjustments that will have the best impact.  

Ready to combat prescription abandonment?

At Phil, we are driven to help retail and specialty-lite manufacturers unlock patient access. PhilRx is an innovative, end-to-end digital hub platform with an integrated pharmacy network that streamlines the PA process, provides full visibility across the prescription journey, and delivers a modern access experience that improves prescription adherence. 

Get started by booking a tour of the PhilRx Digital Hub

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