Phil Blog

Phil Blog

Meet Molly Fields, Director of Patient Support at Phil

The next interview in our Employee Spotlight series is with Molly Fields, Director of Patient Support at Phil. We hope you enjoy learning more about Molly and her impressive experience in the health tech industry. Tell me a little bit about yourself I'm from San Diego, Carlsbad specifically, and I have 7 brothers and sisters

Setting the Stage for a Successful, Modern Hub Services Program

This blog post was written by John Yu, Vice President, Patient Experience at Phil. Getting prescribed medications – especially those that treat more complicated, chronic conditions – into the hands of patients is like navigating a maze filled with roadblocks. Consider that out of all the products launched in 2019, only 1 out of 3 patients who tried to initiate a treatment could get it filled – with over half facing a formulary restriction and others abandoning due to cost

The Impact of Time Constrained HCPs on Life Sciences Commercialization and How Manufacturers Should Adapt

Workflows within physician practices have drastically evolved over the last few decades. This shift is due to the transition to value-based payment models, technological advancements, and changing patient expectations for a modern access experience. Additionally, health insurer policies designed to manage growing healthcare resource utilization continue to disrupt the natural flow of patient care by introducing new administrative requirements that create challenges for providers

Conventional Biopharma Commercial Strategies are No Longer Enough

In an era where life sciences companies face unprecedented costs to bring novel therapies to market and declining expected returns upon launch, conventional commercialization strategies are insufficient to deliver brand success. The traditional approach of driving demand to the top of the funnel through clinical differentiation, expensive media campaigns, and large field sales forces no longer guarantees adequate product adoption and long-term financial viability under the constraints of intricate utilization management requirements. Thus, a paradigm shift is in order – one that centers around an integrated commercial strategy that is laser-focused on patient access and underpinned by gross-to-net optimization

Meet Angie Stigliano, Operations Lead Pharmacist at Phil

This week, we had the opportunity to interview Angie Stigliano, Operational Lead Pharmacist, for our Employee Spotlight series. We hope you enjoy getting to know a little bit about her, and her experience at Phil. Tell me a little bit about yourself and what brought you to Phil I have been a pharmacist since 2016