Phil Blog

Phil Blog

Hubs, Digital Pharmacies, and Specialty Pharmacies: What Pharma Access Teams Should Know

The evolution of healthcare consumer expectations and proliferation of expensive specialty and specialty-lite therapies have led to the rise of innovative solutions to clear an often onerous path to prescribed treatment. In 2022, specialty drugs accounted for 55% of the net spending in the pharmaceutical market, up from 28% in 2011. And an estimated 3 out of 4 patients who try to fill a new prescription for a recently launched brand are unsuccessful due to payer controls

How Biopharma Companies Can Support Patients with High Deductible Health Plans

In 2023, a growing number of patients are enrolled in high deductible health plans (HDHPs), which require members to pay healthcare costs out-of-pocket until they meet their annual deductible amount before the plan starts covering eligible costs. A recent analysis found that over half of American private-sector workers are now enrolled in HDHPs – a 14.5% increase from 2017. The current minimum deductible for an HDHP set by the IRS is $1,500 for an individual and $3,000 for a family

Revolutionizing Patient Access: Introducing the PhilRx Platform

In the highly-competitive life sciences industry, optimizing access is key to success. Offering timely and affordable access to treatment can significantly improve your patients’ health outcomes, strengthen relationships with your provider network, and determine the overall success of your brand. Manufacturers at the top of the industry are streamlining medication access by modernizing the patient experience through breaking down utilization management barriers and strengthening workstreams with pharmacies and providers

How Manufacturers Can Improve Speed to Therapy: Overcoming Common Causes of Prescription Delays

The timely initiation of a prescription therapy is critical to patients' health and quality of life and can often be a matter of life and death. Yet, a 2022 report revealed that more than 8 out of 10 patients encounter frustrating delays in accessing the medications they need to manage their health. Therapy delays not only have a profound impact on individuals' well-being but also significantly burden the healthcare system

4 Commercial Practices Shaping the Future of Life Sciences

Developing a new drug is an incredibly costly, time-consuming, and high-risk venture. In the 12-15 years it takes to move a prescription therapy from discovery into the marketplace, pharmaceutical manufacturers invest an average of $2.3 billion. Given the considerable investment to make the drug available to patients, it's critical for commercial teams to develop a go-to-market model that delivers an appropriate return on investment (ROI)