Phil Blog

Phil Blog

The Optimal Channel Strategy for Your Pharma Brand

In this on-demand webinar, Patrick Leary, Phil’s Chief Commercial Officer, discusses challenges pharmaceutical brands are facing and how a well-thought-out channel strategy is essential to these key success factors: - Speed-to-therapy - Payer Coverage (Approvals of Rx) - Pull-through to First Fill - Adherence to Therapy - Reimbursement A fragmented commercialization strategy poses significant risks to brand growth and threatens things like the patient and prescriber experience, rates of prescription coverage and pull through, medication adherence, and ultimately, profit margins and commercial success. In this webinar, you’ll learn some of the market factors impacting channel strategy, such as payer cost control measures, out-of-pocket costs, and patient consumerization, along with seven important channel strategy considerations and eight components of channel partner evaluation. You will also see a case study on one brand’s successful launch where they exceeded their commercial and access targets with: A 95% enrollment rate 50% of Trx covered in the first month 3x average adherence vs other channels 4x + net sales vs other channels

Trends Shaping the Future of Pharma Commercialization

Due to its highly regulated, high-risk environment, the pharmaceutical industry has traditionally been slow to adopt new technologies. A conservative approach to technology implementation means that pharma companies may be missing out on the advantages digital technologies offer and have lagged behind other industries in creating rich customer experiences; however, the Covid-19 pandemic significantly accelerated digital transformation throughout the industry. The latest healthcare technologies promise to transform the development and delivery of innovative pharmaceutical therapies and elevate the experience for patients and providers

Migraine - Post Approval Insights

Migraine is a neurological disorder that affects approximately 1 in 6 Americans and leads to over 1 million emergency department visits in the US annually. Just like many neurological conditions, the treatment landscape of triptans, opioids and NSAIDs has fallen short of providing a sustainable solution for migraine patients with drugs that have subpar efficacy and intolerable side-effects. The condition has been difficult to study and characterize due to varying levels of severity, causes and symptoms and traditional therapies have not specifically addressed the disease pathology of migraines

3 Patient Engagement Technology Myths

A recent survey by Boston Consulting Group, exploring what patients want from pharma companies and how well companies are meeting those needs, revealed a deficiency in patient engagement. The growing demand for improved and more efficient communication between patients and healthcare entities has created an opportunity for pharmaceutical manufacturers to promote patient engagement through digital tools. However, three common myths may be holding them back

6 Healthcare Trends Impacting Pharma Commercialization

What commercialization strategies should life sciences companies focus on as they look ahead. It’s crucial to monitor trends closely to navigate the evolving healthcare landscape better and build winning strategies. Here are the top six healthcare trends affecting pharma commercialization today: 1