Phil Blog

Phil Blog

Why Your Channel Strategy Matters

Channel strategy underpins the deployment of a life science company’s overall commercialization strategy. A company’s channel strategy is the tie that binds the market access, patient access, marketing, trade, and sales strategies to meet brand goals effectively. Ideally, it tightly integrates the processes for managing the logistics of getting products from the manufacturer to patients, implementing services to support patient access and medication adherence, and capturing channel data to measure success and inform decision-making

Ways Health Tech is Improving Medication Adherence

One of the most significant burdens on the U.S. healthcare system is nonadherence to drug therapy. Not only does this issue exact a severe toll on patients’ health and quality of life, but the related healthcare costs are also staggering

Healthcare Data You Need to Drive Commercialization

What matters most for life sciences companies is not the amount of data but knowing how to use it. A Forrester report revealed that data-driven companies experience an annual average growth rate of over 30%. Pharma companies that invest in capabilities to capture and analyze the best data to make informed commercialization decisions will realize better business outcomes and a competitive advantage

How to Streamline Pharmaceutical Commercialization

Developing a new drug is an incredibly costly, time-consuming, and high-risk venture. In the 21st century, it typically takes ten years and over $2.6 billion for a pharmaceutical manufacturer to move a drug from its initial discovery into the marketplace. While getting an innovative treatment approved for patient use is a major milestone, it’s just the beginning and certainly does not ensure the brand’s commercial success

Optimizing your Drug Distribution Model

The primary objective of a drug distribution model is to ensure patients receive the medications they need when they need them. A manufacturer’s strategy for getting their product from manufacturer to patient – effectively and efficiently – is crucial to the success of a therapy. The complexity of the distribution process has been exacerbated as a result of the pandemic