How Life Sciences Manufacturers can Meet HCP Expectations for Patient Access Support

6-Company News

With payer cost-containment measures continuing to escalate, patient access is top-of-mind for healthcare providers (HCPs) when deciding on prescribed therapy for their patients. Manufacturer-sponsored patient support programs are essential to helping patients get started and afford specialty and specialty-lite medications. 

survey of 1,000 physicians found that HCPs believe these programs significantly positively impact their ability to practice medicine – yet, only 60% felt the pharmaceutical industry has robust patient support services. With the constraints of intricate utilization management requirements a significant factor for HCP prescribing decisions, conventional approaches are no longer enough. Life science companies can deliver value to their HCP customers by meeting their expectations when it comes to supporting patient access. 

Leverage Technology to Automate the Prior Authorization Process

Time constraints and administrative demands that compete with patient care – exacerbated by growing prior authorization (PA) requirements and staff shortages – significantly contribute to physician frustration and burnout. When you consider that almost 9 out of 10 providers  describe the burden associated with PAs as “high” or “extremely high,” it comes as no surprise that the vast majority refrain from prescribing certain medications over half the time due to drug utilization requirements. 

HCPs demand solutions that assist them in meeting their patient’s needs. According to a recent Bain & Company survey, around 60% of HCPs consider digital tools from pharma product manufacturers important to support patient education, provide physician support, and manage patient care. Biopharma manufacturers can provide immense value to HCP customers by taking a more customer-centric approach and offering digital solutions to streamline patient access workflows. A technology-enabled HUB that integrates seamlessly into the physician’s workflow and delivers the visibility they expect can help them effectively and efficiently manage the complexities of securing patient access to therapy.

Provide Transparency into the Prescription Journey

Drug utilization management programs, such as prior authorization (PA) and step therapy, often need more transparency for patients and their providers to make informed treatment decisions. Most physicians struggle to determine whether a prescription medication requires a PA. HCPs expect transparency from biopharma manufacturers, particularly regarding supporting patient access. 

Two-thirds of physicians surveyed said they want more information about patient support from sales reps. This expectation represents a significant opportunity to build trusted provider relationships by providing relevant and timely information on insurance coverage requirements and how they can facilitate patient access to therapy. A technology-enabled hub is critical to delivering the visibility providers expect to help them effectively and efficiently manage the complexities of patient access.

Download this playbook to learn how to develop a digital hub that maximizes value for patients and providers.

Offer a Modern Patient Access Experience

Specialty and specialty lite therapy manufacturers should lean exclusively on hub solutions that offer a modern patient experience. They present the best option to address the access roadblocks and set the stage for brand success. A 2022 survey revealed that patients with positive experiences with a life sciences company’s services were 18 times more likely to enroll in a patient services program. Those with poor experiences were twice as likely to seek an alternative treatment option. 

A patient’s poor access experience often makes it back to the prescriber – it’s not unusual for the HCP to abandon that brand altogether based solely on the feedback from that one patient’s bad experience. Prescribers expect manufacturers to deliver patient access services that help them better serve their patients and: 

  • Offer a frictionless, consumer-centric digital experience

  • Reduce time to therapy 

  • Address prescription affordability concerns with copay support

  • Facilitate therapy access and maximize coverage

  • Provide flexible distribution channels, including home delivery options

To learn more, check out this ebook: “Modernize the Patient Access Experience. Transform your Life Sciences Brand.”  

Help Support Medication Adherence 

Medication nonadherence is a long-standing problem that is linked to poor health outcomes. The issue is so prevalent that the American Medical Association (AMA) advises physicians to “consider medication nonadherence first as a reason a patient's condition is not under control.” 

Failure to stick with prescribed therapy is a substantial obstacle to physicians’ ability to deliver good patient outcomes and realizing the inherent value of pharmaceutical innovation. Drug utilization requirements, such as step therapy and PA, often disrupt treatment and impact adherence, with 88% of physicians reporting that PA interferes with continuity of care. 

HCPs today expect pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide tools and resources that help them monitor and support adherence. This can be accomplished through a digital hub that offers data-driven PA processes as well as automated medication and refill management services.  

Read this case study to learn how PhilRx helped two neurology specialty-lite brands improve adherence. 

Start Meeting the Expectations of Your HCP Customers

PhilRx is an innovative end-to-end commercialization platform that uses a modern, digital approach to help specialty-lite retail brands facilitate patient access, unlock coverage, and maximize reimbursement without compromising gross-to-net. 

By partnering with Phil, life sciences companies can meet provider expectations by offering a patient access solution that streamlines the prior authorization process, provides transparency into the patient journey, and delivers a modern experience that improves prescription adherence. 

Request a demo to learn more about how we can support your brand in unlocking patient access.

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